Impro Master Class with Belina Raffy
How can you allign your organization with how living systems thrive and people thrive? What is the next step in sustainability and new ways of working? And how can we use play as a mindset for critical exploration?
Joining us for the Masterclass with Belina Raffy from Thrivability Montreal. Thrivability is a growing global movement and an active leadership and organizational practice. Guided by what we know about living systems, we define it as the intention and tendency to enhance the integrity, regenerative capacity and beauty of life at every level through thrivable organizational stewardship.It invites us into the intention and practice of aligning organisations with how living systems thrive and people thrive. The Purpose of this Masterclass is to introduce an intention, a practice, a process and a structure that will help align your projects with how life thrives and how people thrive.
“Instead of restoring ecosystems in decline, the thrivable goal is to regenerate them so that they teem with diverse wildlife and are integrated with flourishing human settlements.” (Thriving Beyond Sustainability, Andres R Edwards)
What this is in very practical terms:
Part workshop, part jam, the day is about actively participating in a practical, playful, and powerful one-day immersive experience of thrivability principles and methods as applied to your projects. We’ll explore key concepts of thrivability and then work collaboratively to enhance the projects of others, as well as your own.
Key take-aways:
- Gain vital insights about your project, includinginspiration, a holistic perspective, confirmation and concrete actionsLearn key characteristics present in all living systems and thrivable projects
- Gain useful models and practice new techniques
- Discover new ways to increase creativity and effectiveness at work
Belina Raffy
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