AIN Talk: Applied Improvisation – just fun or truly transformative
10. August 2019, AIN World Conference, Stony Brook, Alan Alder Center for Communication, Stony Brook NY
We are in the middle of a big paradigm shift. Drivers include the digital revolution, agile methods, the need for self organization, and the need for a life long learning culture. These all create the necessity of a new mindset. This is where applied improv becomes more and more important as a transformative approach for training, coaching and consulting.
In this Talk Ella G. Amann and Roland Trescher from the impro live! Academy Berlin shared how the improv live! Train the Trainer program has evolved over the last decade to address the changing needs in the marketplace. They covered what changes are coming in the world of work and how we need to adapt our applied improvisation training to meet these changes.
The Applied Improvisation Experts gave insights on how they use applied improvisation in business development, therapy and social work. They showed their latest innovation of how they use applied improvisation, in combination with personality assessments, to increase the value and impact for organizations, teams and individuals so Applied Improvisation is both a good time & truly transformative.
Deepening your Applied Improv Journey
Applied Improvisation for Trainer
Applied Improvisation Training can create deep connections, cultivate cooperation and foster relationships. Once you are advanced at facilitating applied improvisation, you can go deeper by exploring differences in personality. In this workshop, we will demonstrate a key toolset that has become central to our train the trainer program, the SIZE Prozess Human Performance Guide and the Resilience Circle Competence Diagnostic and Training.
Participants will learn how the deeper understanding of personality and resilience is applied to themselves as trainers, and to clients, in both the development and delivery of applied improvisation training. They will explore specially designed applied improvisation exercises to understand the psychological needs of Applied Improvisation Facilitator and clients, which allows us to work with individuals, teams, and organizations more creative and deeply.
The activities will give ideas for understanding personal resilience and agility, and how people communicate differently, especially under stress. They will also give us ideas of how different personalities understand tasks and problems and how they search for solutions.
Ella Gabriele Amann
I love education and personal growth! In addition to decades of theatre improvisation experience, for more than 25 years, I have been living what can now be called an agile, self-determined and adaptive working life. As a method developer and specialist author, I’ve created innovative education programs and interactive lectures. I accompany executives, teams and multipliers in shaping their transformation processes into the new world of work. I run two programs through the non-profit Stiftung ResilienzForum; the ReslienzForum Academy teaches applied improvisation through the resilience circle, and the impro live! Academy teaches bringing applied improvisation into business training and consulting.
Roland Trescher
25 years working with improvisation – in life, on stage, in the business world. Early on, I recognized that improvisational theater is a playground where we can test, develop and change ourselves with humor and ease. Applied improvisation is for me a mindset with many applications. My work as a trainer, moderator, improvisor or coach, as well as director of my Improtheater Ensemble isar148 Improtheater, is grounded in deep study of applied improvisation. Additionally, my training as advanced NLP practitioner, Coach, Mimic Resonance Professional and SIZE Process Consultant expanded my professional capabilities. I love turning theater or training activities into lasting experiences and learning.
Unsere Veranstaltungs-Tipps
Sie möchten die Welt der Angewandten Improvisation für sich, ihr Business und/Training näher kennenlernen? Besuchen Sie ein Applied Improv Basic Seminar oder schnuppern Sie rein, in unsere Applied Improv Facilitator Zertifizierungen.

Applied Improv Master-Klassen – für Teams, Projektleiter & Führungskräfte
Die VUCA Welt hat die Wirtschaft im Griff. Krisenmanagement und der Umgang mit dem Ungewissen zwingen Mitarbeiter dazu Ihr Improvisationstalent einzusetzen, weil ihnen für langfristige Planungsphasen keine Zeit mehr zur Verfügung steht. Das Applied Improvisation Framework gibt Führungskräften und Teams 42 Werte und Prinzipien an die Hand, mit denen Improvisation professionell gelingen kann. Im Rahmen von 5 Online-Live-Trainings erproben wir diese Leitsätze für die Praxis.